京大過去問 1988年 第1問(英文和訳)

/ 7月 4, 2020/ 英文和訳, 京大過去問, 難易度★★★★, 前置詞+関係代名詞, 構造が見えにくい, 関係詞, 並列, 入れ子構造, andの並べるもの/ 1 comments

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The function of a science is to establish general laws covering the behaviour of the events or objects with which the science in question is concerned, and (1)thereby to enable us to connect together our knowledge of the separately known events, and to make reliable predictions of events as yet unknown. This function of establishing general laws is common to all the natural sciences; it is characteristic also of those parts of psychology and of the social sciences which would ordinarily be called scientific as opposed to philosophical. If the science is in a highly developed stage, as in physics, the laws which have been established will form a hierarchy in which many special laws appear as logical consequences of a small number of highly general laws expressed in a very sophisticated manner; if the science is in an early stage of development — what is sometimes called its ‘natural-history’ stage — the laws may be merely the generalizations involved in classifying things into various classes. But to classify a whale as a mammal is to assert the generalization that all infant whales are provided with milk by their mothers, and this proposition is a general law, although of limited scope. It enables us to (イ) that the next whale we meet will be a mammal, and it (ロ) an important feature in which whales differ from fishes.
To emphasize the establishment of general laws as the essential function of a science is not to overlook the fact that in many sciences the questions to which the scientist attaches most importance are historical questions about the causes of particular events rather than questions directly about (ハ). Biologists ask for the origin of life upon the earth, astronomers for the origin of the solar system. But the statement that some particular event is the effect of a set of circumstances (ニ) of a general law; to ask for the cause of an event is always to ask for a general law which applies to the particular event. Though we may be more interested in the application than in the law in itself, yet we need to establish the law in order to know what law it is which we have to apply.
The fundamental concept for science is thus that of scientific law, and the fundamental aim of a science is (ホ). (2)In order to understand the way in which a science works, and the way in which it provides explanations of the facts which it investigates, it is necessary to understand the nature of scientific laws, and what it is to establish them.
設問A 下線を施した部分(1)(2)を和訳せよ。
設問B 空所(イ)〜(ホ)を補うのに最も適切な表現を、それぞれについて下記1〜4のなかから一つ選べ。
(イ)1. doubt 2. predict 3. question 4. emphasize
(ロ)1. works out 2. throws away 3. singles out 4. explains away
(ハ)1. general laws 2. general trends 3. current topics 4. particular facts
(ニ)1. involves the denial 2. denies the assertion 3. repeats the discussion 4. involves the assertion
(ホ)1. the discovery of facts 2. the examination of such facts 3. the establishment of such laws 4. the establishment of particular facts




(イ)2. predict (ロ)3. singles out (ハ)1. general laws (ニ)4. involves the assertion (ホ)3. the establishment of such laws
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  1. (イ)でpredictが正しくてemphasizeが間違っている判別方法をご教示ください。

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