京大過去問 1986年 第1問(英文和訳)

/ 6月 29, 2020/ 英文和訳, 京大過去問, 前から訳し下す/ 0 comments

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(1)What range of knowledge does it take to make an “educated person”? There was a time, once, when that question would have been unnecessary. There was a common consensus that an educated person should feel at home with language, especially one’s own language and its literature, with a the principles of mathematics, with the basic concepts of the physical sciences, with an awareness of the progress of history and with the questions that have perplexed philosophers since antiquity. A learned person might be more learned in one field than another. But to be called educated one should at least have some familiarity with all areas of learning.
Then, somewhere along the way, we lost the consensus of what constitutes an educated person. One reason for this has been the rapid increase of knowledge. It is almost impossible now to encompass all the knowledge in one field or to have more than a superficial acquaintance with fields outside one’s area of specialization. In the face of that problem, those who directed higher education threw up their hands and gave up even the concept of the educated person.
One consequence of the abandonment of this concept was the fragmentation of graduate-level education. American universities no longer have “a” graduate school; they have many. There are graduate schools of medicine, of law, of journalism, of engineering, of social work, and so on.
(2)Now, I have no quarrel with specialization. I respect the truly expert in any field, from carpentry to computers. But I know doctors — very competent ones — who couldn’t be called educated by anyone’s definition; so too with lawyers or engineers — not to mention journalists.


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