京大過去問 1985年 第2問(英文和訳)

/ 6月 29, 2020/ 英文和訳, 京大過去問, 難易度★★, 構造が見えにくい, 前から訳し下す/ 0 comments

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I spoke at a P.T.A. meeting recently, and repeated the story of Lisa giving the name ‘cows’ to a class of animals including cows, horses, and sheep. I explained that we did not correct her because it would be discourteous; because we were too pleased to hear her talk to be worried about ‘mistakes’; and because, realizing that she had done some bold and powerful thinking, we did not want to do anything to make her doubt its worth or discourage her from doing more such thinking in the future. (1)I also emphasized that correction was in fact not needed, that the child was soon able, by herself, to get her names and classes straightened out.
A certain number of people are always upset by hearing such stories. Soon after this meeting, I got a pleasant but agitated letter from an intelligent and highly trained psychologist who had heard my talk. How, she demanded, could children possibly learn unless we corrected all their mistakes? Wasn’t that our responsibility, our duty? I wrote a long reply, repeating my point and telling still more stories about children correcting their own mistakes. But she seems to be as far from understanding me as ever. It is almost as if she cannot hear what I am saying. This is natural enough. (2)Anyone who makes it his life work to help other people may come to believe that they cannot get along without him, and may not want to hear evidence that they can, all too often, stand on their own feet. Many people seem to have built their lives around the notion that they are in some way indispensable to children, and to question this is to attack the very center of their being. Still, even at the risk of upsetting these good people, we must question their assumption, because it is largely not true.


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