京大過去問 1984年 第2問(英文和訳)
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When man plays he must intermingle with things and people in an uninvolved and light fashion. (1)He must do something which he has chosen to do without being compelled by urgent interests or impelled by strong passion; he must feel entertained and free of any fear or hope of serious consequences. He is on vacation from social and economic reality — or, as in most commonly emphasized: he does not work. It is this opposition to work which gives play a number of connotations. One of these is ‘mere fun’ — whether it is hard to do or not. As Mark Twain commented, ‘constructing artificial flowers is work, while climbing the Mont Blanc is only amusement’. In Puritan times and places, however, mere fun always connoted sin; the Quakers warned that you must ‘gather the flowers of pleasure in the fields of duty’. Men of equally Puritan mind could permit play only because they believed that to find ‘relief from moral activity is in itself a moral necessity’. Poets, however, place the emphasis elsewhere: ‘Man is perfectly human only when he plays’, said Schiller. Thus play is a borderline phenomenon to a number of human activities and, in its own playful way, it tries to elude definition.
It is true that even the most strenuous and dangerous play is by definition not work; it does not produce commodities. Where it does, it ‘goes professional’. (2)But this fact, from the start, makes the comparison of adult and child’s play somewhat senseless; for the adult is a commodity-producing and commodity-exchanging being, whereas the child is only preparing to become one. To the working adult, play is recreation. It permits a periodical stepping out from those forms of defined limitation which are his social reality.
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和訳中に、It is this opposition to work which gives play a number of connotations.に対応する日本語訳が抜けているようです。
下線部(1)の or, as in most commonly emphasized: he does not work.の部分がよくわかりません。, that is, as he does not work in most commonly emphasized way/manner, he does not really work.という意味でしょうか。なぜ、emphasizedの後の名詞が省略されているのかがよくわかりません。ご教授お願いします。