京大過去問 1983年 第2問(英文和訳)

/ 6月 25, 2020/ 独立分詞構文, 英文和訳, assume, 京大過去問, 難易度★★★, 並列の省略, 語感, 挿入/ 0 comments

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Broadly speaking, attempts to answer fundamental questions dealing with the creation of the universe and the creation of life have, throughout recorded history, been of two kinds — the physical and the metaphysical.
The metaphysical approaches have assumed the existence of a supreme, and usually divine, creator whose ends and means have been either revealed to, or otherwise perceived by, selected individuals in an extra-sensory manner (e.g., mystical experiences, dreams, etc.).
(1)Those who have not had the benefit of such direct experiences have either accepted or rejected the ‘evidence’ of those who have as a matter of personal preference — acceptance, of course, being an act of faith rather than of reason. The chief disadvantage of this method, from a practical point of view, is that divinely revealed information must be accepted as absolutely true, that is, true for all time despite any evidence that may crop up to conflict with it. This dilemma has given rise to theology*, which may be described as the art of fitting new evidence into old explanations.
(2)Science, on the other hand, has no dogmatic beliefs of this kind, scientific knowledge being self-correcting. Any fresh evidence that may appear either discredits or helps to confirm existing theories: if evidence builds up against a theory it is discarded and a better one sought in its place.


  • broadly speaking → 大雑把に言って
  • attempt → 試み
  • fundamental → 根本的な、基本的な
  • deal with A → Aを扱う
  • creation of universe → 宇宙創造、天地創造
  • recorded history → 記録された歴史、有史
  • the physical and the metaphysical → 形而下(物質的なもの)と形而上(精神的なもの)
  • assume → 仮定する、想定する
  • supreme → 至高の
  • divine → 神の、神性の
  • ends and means → 目的と手段
  • otherwise → もしそうでなければ
  • perceive → 知覚する、感得する
  • selected individual → 選ばれた人(キリストなど預言者を示唆)
  • extra-sensory manner → 超感覚的な方法
  • e.g. → 例えば
  • mystical experience → 神秘的な経験
  • benefit → 恩恵、利益
  • reject → 拒絶する
  • as a matter of personal preference → 個人の好みの問題として
  • acceptance → (信仰の)受容
  • faith → 信仰、信条
  • reason → 理性
  • chief → 主要な
  • from a practical point of view → 実際的な見地から、実際問題として
  • divinely revealed information → 神的に明らかにされた情報→神の啓示
  • that is → つまり
  • despite → 〜にもかかわらず
  • crop up → 思いがけなく起こる、思いがけなく発生する
  • conflict with A → Aと矛盾する
  • dilemma → ジレンマ、板挟み
  • give rise to A → Aを引き起こす、Aのもととなる
  • theology → 神学
  • A is described as B → AはBとして定義される、AはBとして記述される
  • art → 技術、手法
  • fit new evidence into old explanation → 新たな証拠を古い解釈に馴染ませる
  • dogmatic → 独断的な、教義上の
  • self-correcting → 自身で修正できる、自動修正の
  • discredit → 信用を傷つける、信用を貶める(⇔confirm)
  • confirm → 立証する、裏付ける(⇔discredit)
  • existing theory → 既存の理論
  • build up → 高まる、増大する
  • discard → 捨てる
  • sought → seek(探し求める)の過去形、過去分詞形
  • in its place → その場所に、取って代わって


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