京大過去問 1982年 第2問(英文和訳)
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It has been said that the young child plays with materials and thereby learns them. The truth of this observation can nowhere be seen as clearly as in the field of the arts — picture-making, modelling, music and drama. (1)The first scribble of childhood with a well-sucked crayon will as surely lead to the making of recognizable shapes to represent ‘Mummy’ as will his early enthusiastic claps to the rhythm of nursery rhyme or popular song to the free-flowing steps of a yet unknown pop culture or the formal patterns of the traditional dance. There seems to be in all young children a desire to express themselves by making marks and constructions, by making sounds and through physical response to the sounds that they hear.
Indeed it could be argued that it is largely as a result of man’s preoccupation with these elements of his make-up that he has been able to dominate the world. From earliest time man has made marks to decorate the walls of his dwellings, has cut patterns into his tools, chiseled designs into stone, coloured his earthenware pots. His progress towards civilization has been marked by the ability he has shown in the adaptation of his environment — by building in stone, brick and wood, by spinning and weaving, by working in metal.
(2)With the passing of time, the arts have become so inextricably woven into our daily lives that we tend to take them for granted and ignore the central place that they have always occupied in the human being.
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