東大過去問 2019年 第1問(要約)
- 2019年の全問題はこちらからどうぞ
- コメント欄に生徒の解答例と添削があります。
In pre-industrial Europe, child labor was a widespread phenomenon and a significant part of the economic system. Until and during the nineteenth century, children beyond six years of age were required to contribute to society according to their abilities. From about the age of seven, they began a slow entry into the world of work, a world inhabited by both adults and children. The concepts of education, schooling, and protection against hazards were rare or entirely absent. In the early nineteenth century, children were also mostly viewed as the personal property of their parents, with few or no legal rights. Parents, mainly fathers, were given unlimited power and control over them and were allowed to treat them as they wished; physical punishment was almost universal and socially accepted.
This situation began to change as the nineteenth century progressed. Particularly in the half-century from 1870 to 1920, the rights of children in relation to parents, employers, and others expanded in the form of legal protection. Gradually, children began to be perceived as a separate category and not simply as the property of adults. The view that children have no more than economic value began to change and be replaced by the perception that they are a unique group that society has the responsibility to support and protect from the various dangers they face.
Another change in this period was the protection of children from parental abuse and neglect, which were subjected to intense scrutiny and challenged increasingly by government authorities. In 1889, both France and Great Britain passed laws against cruelty to children, including that caused by their parents. The nation became the defender of children’s rights. The child’s right to protection then led to the right to provision of various sorts, with the national government responsible for providing services. Health care, acceptable housing, and play grounds — together with freedom from work and access to public schooling — emerged as elements of children’s rights.
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① 2段落目の『認識の変化』について触れられていないことです。『立法により』は良いのですが、その前提には『子供は大人の所有物でない、独自のカテゴリーの、保護すべき集団である』という認識が人々に広がったことがあります。『立法により』だけだと、法による決定に人々が無理矢理従わされた感じがしますが、そうではなく人々の意識の進展とともに状況が変わったということです。
② あなたの解答の『教育を受ける権利など』の『など』が少し気になります。というのも、最終文の『児童労働からの解放』『公的な教育を受ける権利』『医療』『最低限の住環境』『遊び場』の中から『教育を受ける権利』だけを選択して要約に含めた論理的根拠がないように感じられます。もちろんこれら全てを要約に含めることはできませんから、うまくまとめて(うまくごまかして)要約を作ることが求められます。
③ 『児童労働』は(特に欧米人にとって)重要な関心事であり、この文もそうした意識の下書かれているので、児童労働について軽く触れておいてもよいかと思います。