東大過去問 1980年 第1問(要約)

/ 12月 12, 2019/ 第1問(要約), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 1 comments



A child is most intelligent when the reality before him arouses in him a high degree of attention, interest, concentration, involvement — in short, when he cares most about what he is doing. This is why we should make schoolrooms and schoolwork as interesting and exciting as possible, not just so that school will be a pleasant place, but so that children in school will act intelligently and get into the habit of acting intelligently. The case against boredom in school is the same as the case against fear; it makes children behave stupidly, some of them on purpose, most of them because they cannot help it. If this goes on long enough, as it does in school, they forget what it is like to grasp at something, as they once grasped at everything, with all their minds and senses; they forget how to deal positively and aggressively with life and experience, to think and say, “I see it! I get it! I can do it!”



  1. intelligent
  2. arouse
  3. high degree of~
  4. concentration
  5. involvement
  6. in short
  7. this is why
  8. pleasant place
  9. get in to the habit of~
  10. case
  11. boredom
  12. behave stupidly
  13. on purpose
  14. cannot help it
  15. go on
  16. grasp at
  17. with all their minds and senses
  18.  deal with
  19. I get it








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1 Comment

  1. 学習効果を上げる方法は生徒の関心を引くことだ。退屈なときは恐れを抱いたときと同様、愚かに振る舞うようになり、長じては積極性を欠くようになる。(70字)

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